Oral intervention for High-Level Meeting on Universal Healthcare Coverage #UHC 29 April 2019
In 2013, the World Health Organization launched a comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan that recognized a long-neglected problem. It called for an end to discrimination, stigma, and lack of services for mental health. A landmark achievement highlighted prevention, a lifelong approach, and integrated universal health coverage.
The NGO Committee on Mental Health, a global coalition of academia, private and civil society in consultative status with the UN, supports inclusive health care coverage that incorporates mental health care coverage. There can be no health without mental health, especially for vulnerable people who struggle daily (to function).
High levels of global conflict, violence, and migration are producing traumatized populations. Chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease as well as the invisible disabilities of anxiety, depression, and stress disorders have been linked to exposure to violence. Children exposed to adverse psychosocial experiences are known to have enduring, emotional, immune, and metabolic abnormalities.
The benefit of culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, ethical treatment can serve to enhance social justice, sustainable employment, and equitable economic growth. SDG targets 3.4 and 3.5 address mental health and substance abuse. Therefore, primary care, integrated with mental health expertise, will ensure that universal healthcare will truly leave no one behind.
Report Submitted by Elizabeth Carll
Side event for 2015 World Mental Health Day in Geneva
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
United Nations High-Level Meeting Review
Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases
July 10-11, 2014
Committee on Mental Health Statement Submitted
Commission on the Status of Women Fifty-Seventh Session
March 4-15, 2013
September 19-20, 2011
Committee on Mental Health Statement
Commission on the Status of Women Fifty-Fifth Session
February 22 - March 4, 2011
63rd Annual United Nations DPI/NGO Conference
Declaration “Advance Global Health: Achieve the MDGs”
August 30 - September 1, 2010
First Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, 5-7 Jun 2007
Statement submitted by the NGO Committee on Mental Health
Additional Resources:
The WHO Draft Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020
Joint Statement in Recognition of 2012 World Mental Health Day
Shashi Tharoor Keynote at International Congress of Applied Psychology
Beyond Evidence: The Moral Case for International Mental Health